Once In A Lifetime Super BONUS!
We want to Find your first or next $1,000+ flip!!

How ANYONE Can Find & Sell High Profit Items In Their Area

No matter if you are in a big city or rural area, there are benefits to both! You can find & ship items from anywhere across the country!

Why This Is The Perfect Side Hustle During A Recession

There are amazing deals to be found right now and there are so many people on the search to save some money! You can connect the two and get paid well for your time!

How Selling High Profit Items SAVES YOU TIME!

Think about how much time goes into finding, cleaning, listing, and shipping each item. What if you could do the same amount of work for 10-100X the profits!

Why We Chose This Business Model Over Real Estate and Flipping Houses

We have dabbled in both real estate and flipping houses and to us there is so much less capital up front and red tape to get through to start making good money! 

Introducing the Reselling Academy!

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This program is designed to walk you step-by-step through the process of how to grow your flipping gig and reduce the overwhelm!

Do you...

  • ​Desire to make an extra income quickly?
  • ​Feel overwhelmed where to start?
  • ​​Need a step-by-step action plan of how to get from where you are at to where you are going?
  • ​​Feel intimidated by ebay?
  • ​Feel like others can have success reselling but aren't sure that you can do it too?

Did you nod your head several times there? Yep?

That means you are in the right spot to finally get your reselling gig making some good money!

The Reselling Academy is your roadmap to make your first $10K in your flipping business and grow it into $500-$1,000+ per flip!

Check out Matt who is a youth pastor and needed to supplement some income on the side. 

He hit over $5,000 his first 100 days!! (And this past summer he hit our $100K Pro Flipper Club!)

Notice that he just sold 29 items to make over $5K in sales. That's over $200 per item! (And when he was just starting out!)

And Toni crushes it month after month. 

She turned $100 into $947 in 4 days

 Angie is a stay at home mom of 6 (and homeschools them!) And she has done pretty well with her flipping gig on the side. Check out this $1,100 sale! 

So what exactly will be covered in Pathway To $10K Success Path?

Launching Strong:  Fueling Your Journey with a $300 - $500 Kickoff Goal!

The goal for the first month is to get you $300-$500 as quickly as possible and start laying the foundation for your flipping business.

Mastering eBay: Building The Foundations To Grow Your Sales On Ebay

Don't let ebay intimidate you any longer! We are going to walk you through step-by-step getting started on ebay the right way. 

Shipping Simplified: Navigating The Shipping Process with Confidence

We know the shipping process can sometimes seem daunting. This module, we are going to help you build your confidence in shipping anything that fits in a box.

Sourcing Success: Finding Valuable Items In Your Area

Spotting items of value is a skill that can be learned by anyone! In module 4 we are going to dive into how we source higher value items and how you can do it in your area.

Mastering Freight: Unleashing Profits through Effective Shipping Strategies

It's no secret that freight shipping is our jam and it's how we've been able to generate higher profit margins in our flipping business. In module 5we are going to breakdown the freight process and how to get the cheapest rate possible. 

Listing Optimization: Supercharging Sales and Business Strategy

In module 6 we will review the best business practices and make sure your listings are optimized for sales!

It doesn't matter if you are a stay-at-home mom, a retiree, a millenial, or someone that needs an escape from their 9-to-5 job...

You can start making an extra income doing something you love.

Learn the skills YOU need to start your reselling side hustle

(and how to gain the confidence and motivation to make it work).

Flipper University member Amber now pays her rent and utilities all from her flipping side hustle!

She is two years into this business and loves that it has helped her relieve stress from money!

Flipper University member Amy had her first large sale of $1,900 which put her monthly total over $4,000!

The support of our community makes it so no one has to do this alone! 

In Just 2 Years Stacy made $100,000 from flipping used items on the side!

In less than 2 years Stacy has been able to replace her nursing income with flipping and just made the decision to step back from nursing for a little while and focus on her flipping side hustle & spend time with her family. 

Are you ready to be our next success story?

Flipper University is an asset investment. Rather than losing money on that big screen t.v. that's going to depreciate over the next few years, It shows you tools and tips that, when utilized, can earn you back your investment in 30 days.
When you invest in yourself with Flipper University, you have the potential to pay yourself back and keep making money over, and over, and over again.

Where else can you get 2,300% ROI??

'Flipping' is the art of finding things that nobody else sees value in and selling them for a profit.
Technology has made reselling easier and more accessible to anyone than ever before.
It doesn't matter if you are a stay-at-home mom, a retiree, a millennial, or an employee who hates their 9-5 desk job.
Start making an extra income doing something you love.

Hi! We're Rob & Melissa

We help people make an extra income by flipping items - no matter what level of experience you are starting from.

My passion for flipping started when I was a kid and went to yard sales every weekend with my mon. (I have 6 older sisters so my parents were frequently hunting for bargains to provide for us!)

I started selling some of the things I would find when he was 16 because I wanted to buy myself a car - and it hasn't stopped since! It has now grown from a side gig to providing for our family of 5. And we wouldn't change a thing!

Through our whole marriage we used flipping as our "fun money" (vacations, Christmas, and when unexpected bills came up - ok the last one isn't really fun, but sometimes necessary.)

When we started treating our "hobby" of flipping like a real biz, we took it to $42K (5-15hrs/week) and then to $133K (20-30hrs) the following year!

Who Is The  Reselling Academy For?

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Time Is MONEY!

Have you ever calculated how much you actually make per hour?
Time is the most valuable resource we have and it's something we can't get more of. 

There is no doubt that resellers are hard workers. But how many times have you stared at your death pile and been unmotivated to go through and list one hundred $10 items to make a $1,000? 

What if you could just list ONE item to make that same $1,000?

Same time spent sourcing (some of these items can even be sourced from the comfort of your La-Z-Boy!)

Same time spent taking pictures.

Same time spent listing on ebay and cross-posting on other platforms

A little more time spent shipping the one items, but loads less than shipping 100

Sell Stuff That Sells! 

Sounds logical to create a reselling business with stuff that sells right? 

Some sellers have noticed a decrease in some of their sales but it's because they are selling more wants than needs!  

One key to a business that thrives during an unstable economy is selling what people need and many of these higher profit items are just that! 

We closed out the year last year with our third highest sale of the year! 

An $8,500 oven that we picked up for $400!

Our buyer was happy with buying it for less than half of retail, and we made great money for our efforts! 

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My AHA Moment!

When my job told me that we no longer would have insurance, I had to make the decision to find a new job with health insurance, or try to make this flipping thing work on a full-time scale. 

We made the scary decision that we would jump in with both feet and see what would happen and it put a lot more stress on me than I was used to. 

We had a young family with three kids ages 3 and under and we had to be able to clothe and feed them - all from flipping! 

But it's in some of the scary times when you don't know how it's going to work that amazing things can happen!

I picked up this gorgeous table, chairs and buffet from an auction for $350 and listed it locally for $750. 

After about a month of no bites, I decided to try my chances on ebay. 

I was already an established ebay seller, but shipping something like this seemed out of reach. 

But I was determined that if it sold on ebay I would figure out how to ship it! 

And it sold. 

In three weeks. 

For $2,200 PLUS $500 for shipping!! 


I couldn't get $750 in the local market, but I got $2,200 in the larger market in just a few weeks time. 

That was the sale that changed the trajectory of our business and we want to share it with you! 

It's for: 

  • The person who has been really wanting to grow their flipping business but hasn't made it happen yet
  • ​Someone who feels overwhelmed with too much information all at once and needs small action steps each week
  • ​The person that knows getting to​ $10K in their reselling business could change the game for their finances in the long run
  • ​The reseller who is ready to add some HIGH PROFIT items to their sales each month!
  • Someone who needs a little extra push and reminders to go take action on your goals. 
  • ​The person ready to take action join the $10K Pro Flipper Club!

Who is This Program Not for?

It's not for: 

  • The person who doesn't want to grow their flipping income.
  • ​Someone who's already making a killing with their ebay busines​s and wants to keep things the way they are.
  • ​The person that makes an extra $10K in their sleep every night. 
  • Someone who already knows everything and doesn't need to need to be in a community to help and encourage them.
  • ​The person who wants to make 10 million dollars in 6 months from flipping.​

Are yOU Ready to join The Pro Flipper Club?

We created the Pro Flipper Club to celebrate YOUR wins!

All the way from the first $1,000...

To the first $100,000!

And Your Mission, if you choose to accept it, is to Become A Part Of the $10K Pro Flipper Club!

Here is Everything You Get When You Jump Into The Flip IT for PROFIT Academy!

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Success Path - Pathway to $10K

The Flip Your Way To $10K is designed to reduce the overwhelm of all the information all at once. You will have bite sized action steps to do each week to grow your flipping business to $10,000 in sales and beyond! You can take your time or go as fast as you want!

$10,000 Value

Member Makeover

Want your listings to make more sales? Each month we will be going over a listing and giving feedback on what to fix to make your listings sell faster. 

$497 Value

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Backstage Pass

This flipping gig is so fun! I want to show you behind the scenes of finding, flipping and shipping out items. It's always an adventure!! 

$798 Value

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Weekly Listing Power Hour 

Need some accountability to get those items listed?! Each week hop on a call where it's not consuming information, but actually taking ACTION!
THIS is what will move the needle in your flipping business! 

$1,200 Value

Monthly Master Class Training

Each month Rob, Melissa or the team will be doing a training on a current and relevant topic to keep you growing your flipping income!

$598 Value

Member Support & Community

Join 1,200 other active members and be a part of our flipping family! This group is priceless and full of support, encouragement and motivation! 

$1,200 Value

Archive - Inventory Vault

One awesome thing about being a reseller for so long is you build up a bank of items to keep an eye out for. And what's even cooler is we have our items and the items of our whole flipping family! 
We will keep adding to the inventory vault to help you know what to keep your eyes out for!

$596 Value

Weekly Open Office Hours

Each week we will have Open Office Hours where you can come and ask your questions with anything you are going through in your flipping business! 

$1,000 Value

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EVERYTHING You Are Going To Get When You Join The Reselling Academy TODAY!

  •  Success Path - Pathway to $10K                                                               ($10,000 Value)
  • Member Makeover                                                                                        ($497 Value)
  • Backstage Pass                                                                                             ($395 Value)
  • Listing Power Hour                                                                                        ($997 Value)
  • ​Monthly Master Class                                                                                   ($2,364 Value)
  • ​​Member Support & Community                                                                  ($1,200 Value)
  • ​​Archives  - Inventory Vault                                                                           ($296 Value)
  • ​Weekly Open Office Hours.                                                            ​              ($5,200 Value)
  • Success Path - Pathway to $10K                                           ($10,000 Value)
  • Member Makeover                                                           ($497 Value)
  • Backstage Pass                                                               ($395 Value)
  • Listing Power Hour                                                           ($997 Value)
  • ​Monthly Master Class                                                     ($2,364 Value)
  • ​​Member Support & Community                                     ($1,200 Value)
  • ​​Archives  - Inventory Vault                                                ($296 Value)
  • ​Weekly Open Office Hours.                                             ($5,200 Value)

Total Value: $20,593

Join Today For Just

$1,997 for the entire year!
Or $297/month!

Our $2,000 Inventory Guarantee!!

We are so confident in our process and that this CAN work for you, that we are going to find $2,000+ of inventory in your area in the first 30 days, or you can get your money back! 

We are so confident in our process and that this CAN work for you, that we are going to find $2,000+ of inventory in your area in the first 30 days, or you can get your money back! 

Enroll In The Reselling Academy TODAY!!

What you get when you enroll! 

  • Success Path: Pathway to $10K ​- Take away the overwhelm in a step by step pathway to get to the higher profit flips!
  • Member Makeover ​- Get those listings ready for SALES!
  • Backstage Pass ​- Behind the scenes of finds, flips, and shipping fun
  • ​Listing Power Hour ​- Actually get your stuff listed!! One hour of week dedicated to listing only!
  • Monthly Master Class ​- A monthly training on a current and relevant flipping topic. 
  • ​Member Support & Community - Join our flipping family community
  • Archives - Inventory Vault - See what has sold for us and our members over the past few years. Cheat sheet to spot some good sales. 
  • Weekly Open Office Hours - Stuck somewhere and need some extra help? We have weekly Open Office Hours where you can bring your questions LIVE!



What could you do with an extra
$500 - $2K/mo?

Pay off debt

Go on a family vacation and create memories

 Increase your emergency fund

 Save for the future

Or maybe you'll be like Paul & Melissa, who have now paid off two loans & two credit cards with their flipping side gig!

What happens if you need to cancel the ongoing community and support after 6 months?

Not a problem! We know life happens.

You can cancel your continuing education subscription ($47/mo) anytime with no questions asked! You can do this directly through your own customer portal or by emailing our customer support team.

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This course and associated website are not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, this is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, INC.


Every effort has been made to accurately represent this product and its potential. Even though this industry is one of the few where one can write their own check in terms of earnings, there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in these materials. Examples and materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Earning potential is entirely dependent on the person using our product, ideas, and techniques. We do not purport this to be a “get-rich scheme.”
Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. Your level of success entertaining the results claimed in the course materials depends on the time you devote to the program, ideas, and techniques mentioned, your finances, knowledge, and various skills. Since these factors differ according to the individuals, we cannot guarantee your success or income level. Nor are we responsible for any of your actions.
Any and all forward-looking statements here or on any of our sales material are intended to express our opinion of earnings potential. Many factors will be important in determining your actual results and no guarantees are made that you will achieve results similar to ours or anybody else's, in fact, no guarantees are made that you will achieve any results from our ideas and techniques are material.