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In JUST 4 WEEKS Learn How To

Make Your First $500 on Ebay! 

WATCH Video To Learn How!

In This Video You Will Find: 

In This Training You Will Find:

How ANYONE Can Start Growing Their Income On Ebay Without Previous Schooling Or Skills 

This business doesn't care how much education you have, skills you've acquired, or how old you are. Anyone can start this business at any stage of life or education level. (I barely passed High School and have managed to do pretty decent with my eBay business over the years.) 

Why This Is The Perfect Side Hustle During A Recession

There are amazing deals to be found right now and there are so many people on the search to save some money! You can connect the two and get paid well for your time!

Why Selling On Ebay Makes 5-10x More Money Than Selling Locally Does

Many people get nervous to tackle the beast of ebay. But the increase in revenue over the local market is insane. ANd once you tackle ebay, you can list and sell on any market out there! 

How I Made More Money In My First Flip On Ebay Than I did At Two Weeks AT My Regular Job

We have dabbled in both real estate and flipping houses and to us there is so much less capital up front and red tape to get through to start making good money! 

The Problem with MOST Reselling Business Models is You Spend TOO MUCH TIME IN your Flipping Business


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Time Is MONEY!

Have you ever calculated how much you actually make per hour?
Time is the most valuable resource we have and it's something we can't get more of. 

There is no doubt that resellers are hard workers. But how many times have you stared at your death pile and been unmotivated to go through and list one hundred $10 items to make a $1,000? 

What if you could just list just 5-10 items to make that same $1,000?

Same time spent sourcing (some of these items can even be sourced from the comfort of your La-Z-Boy!)

Same time spent taking pictures.

Same time spent listing on ebay and cross-posting on other platforms

More time spent with your family, friends or hobbies or however you want to spend it! 

YOU Can Do This Too!

Too many times we get in our own way. We think that's awesome that they can rock their flipping business, but I could never do it..

That's hogwash! 

You totally can do this if you decide to! 

And when you have a supportive group of people who believe in you.. you can be unstoppable! 

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My AHA Moment!

Way back when I was 16, I made my first flip on eBay. I really wanted to buy a new (used) car, and not drive the beater car that my sisters had been driving. 

In order to buy the mustang I wanted, I calculated I would need to work over 4 years at my job at Red Lobster to make it happen! 


At 16 you can't wait 4 years! 

So I asked my mom to go to the Salvation Army auction with me (I regularly went to yard sales and auctions with her), and I ended up buying a Nordic Track for $5. 

Ebay was new at the time and I figured I would give it a shot. 

That Nordic Track sold for $350!!!

That was over 2 weeks pay at my part time job at Red Lobster!!  

That was my Aha moment that there was something to this flipping gig. 

And I'm still here doing it 27 years later because I haven't found anything that is more fun, changes every day, flexible with my schedule, and allows me to make some good profit! 

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In the Next 4 Weeks With This LIVE Training

You Will: 

  • ​Learn Step-By-Step How To Get Started On eBay The RIGHT Way
  • Find Out The Best Way To Grow Your Feedback FAST So You Can Start Selling Higher Value Items
  • ​Learn How To List An Item To Make It Appealing To Sell 
  • ​Find Out ​What To Do To Help Minimize Returns (We had 1 return in the past 2 years)
  • ​Understand How To Get THE CHEAPEST Cost For Shipping
  • ​Gain The Confidence To Sell And Ship Anything That Fits In A Box! (And We have shipped some pretty large boxes!)

And We Are Going To Be With You Every Step Of The WAY!

Here's Our 30-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee

We just have one condition you have to abide by

Simply watch all the modules, follow all our walkthroughs, test all of our strategies… and if you show that you did all the work and it still didn’t work for you… then just let us know and we’ll happily refund every penny you paid for this course.

Everything You Get When You Jump Into The Training TODAY

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$1,997 Value

Make Your First $500 On Ebay
LIVE 4 Week Training

This is the first time we have ever done this training LIVE in real time with you! We are so stoked to walk you through the exact steps I take when finding, selling & shipping and GROW your flipping business!  

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$1,200 Value

Lifetime Access To
Flipper University Pro Program!

Don't want to wait until March 21st to get started? You have access to our Flipper University program*! And you get lifetime access to the course and any updates to it. 

*This includes the Pro version of Flipper University and does not include the freight shipping portion*

$900 Value

12 Months Of Our Members Facebook Group INCLUDED!

Want a group of like minded flippers cheering you on? A group to support you, answer your questions, help you through any obstacles, and one that's just like family? We have just that in our private members group! 

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$500 Value

Sourcing Workshop

We know finding items of value can sometimes be a struggle.

We take you through our steps of how we source high profit items!

This 4 week workshop was recorded in a live setting where we could answer questions that YOU have about sourcing.

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$997 Value! 

Shipping 101 Bootcamp! 

In this bootcamp we cover shipping anything in a box! If it fits it ships.

We go over small items as small as books to large items like a Nordic Track.

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$297 Value! 

Flipping Business Planner Download

We want to help you get organized in this business! This download will help you keep track of sales, expenses, mileage, inventory, and also help with weekly and monthly goals!

Total Value: $5,891

Join Today For Just


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EVERYTHING You Are Going To Get When You Join The LIVE "Make Your First $500 On EBay" Training TODAY!

  • Make Your First $500 On EBay LIVE 4 Week Training                        ($1,597 Value)
  • Lifetime Access To Our Flipper University Program (Pro*)            ($1,200 Value)
  • 12 Months Of Our Members Facebook Group INCLUDED!​             ($900 Value)
  • Unlimited Access To The Sourcing Workshop                                     ($1,500 Value)
  • Access to Shipping 101 Bootcamp                                                           ($997 Value)
  • ​Flipper Business Planner                                                                             ($197 Value)
  • Make Your First $1,000 Flip LIVE 4 Week Training                            ($1,997 Value)
  • Lifetime Access To Our FULL Flipper University Program             ($1,200 Value)
  • 12 Months Of Our Members Facebook Group INCLUDED!​             ($600 Value)
  • 1 Month Of Sourcing Membership FREE                                               ($2,000 Value)
  • Walking You Through Your First Freight Shipment                           ($3,997 Value)

Total Value: $6,391

Join Today For Just


Ok, I know you are probably wondering if this works for other people than just me.. here are what some of our members have said:

Derek was reluctant to get started on ebay due to to fear of messing up shipping! 

But thanks to the encouragement of everyone in our member's group, he was able to push past it and finally hit his first $1,000 on ebay!

And look at that Average Sale Price of over $100 per item! 

He only listed and shipped 9 items to make that $1,000!

Dena was able to pay for her daughter's wedding dress in FULL in just 6 weeks thanks to her flipping business!

It was a gift she was so excited to give her daughter and both her daughter and son in law were so thankful!

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Amber was able to hit the $2,000 mark after her divorce, which was the confidence she needed to start gaining her independence again. 

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Jeni was able to sell this vacuum she got for free for $475!

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And Paul & Melissa were able to pay off two loans and two credit cards due to their flipping business!! 

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We want to share YOUR success story next! 

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Every effort has been made to accurately represent this product and its potential. Even though this industry is one of the few where one can write their own check in terms of earnings, there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in these materials. Examples and materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Earning potential is entirely dependent on the person using our product, ideas, and techniques. We do not purport this to be a “get-rich scheme.”
Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. Your level of success entertaining the results claimed in the course materials depends on the time you devote to the program, ideas, and techniques mentioned, your finances, knowledge, and various skills. Since these factors differ according to the individuals, we cannot guarantee your success or income level. Nor are we responsible for any of your actions.
Any and all forward-looking statements here or on any of our sales material are intended to express our opinion of earnings potential. Many factors will be important in determining your actual results and no guarantees are made that you will achieve results similar to ours or anybody else's, in fact, no guarantees are made that you will achieve any results from our ideas and techniques are material.